
Daddy and Me Session!!

     I met up with Miss Avery and her daddy yesterday afternoon for a Daddy and Me session!  I haven’t seen Miss Avery since we was a newborn!!  Wow!  I couldn’t believe how much this little miss had changed!
        Boy, was she full of energy!  She was bouncing around everywhere… exploring every nook and cranny! Haha  I was getting tired just watching her.  What I would give to have that kind of energy level! Haha
     Brandon, it was great to see you again!  Shelley, it was a pleasure to meet you.  Thanks sooooo much for thinking ahead and bringing the bubble machine! Haha
     I hope you all enjoy the photographs!  BTW, for those of you who do not know Miss Avery, I included an image from her newborn session!!  What a little doll!
